Государственные природные заповедники в соответствии с российским законодательством являются природоохранными, научно-исследовательскими и эколого-просветительскими учреждениями федерального значения, имеющими целью сохранение и изучение естественного хода природных процессов и явлений, генетического фонда растительного и животного мира, отдельных видов и сообществ растений и животных, типичных и уникальных экологических систем[1]. Заповедники являются одним из типов особо охраняемых природных территорий (ООПТ)[1].
What is leadership? I am thinking about this word based on my own personal understanding. You can, of course, look into the dictionary. But it's more interesting to think for yourself than to take ready-made ones.
A leader is someone who knows how to lead. Or someone who simply knows how to go ahead of everyone, captivating others with his example. Both are correct. It is believed that being a leader is cool, I will put it in youth language. Some people think that it is imperative to strive to be a leader, and if you are not a leader, then as it were, no one. This is where mistakes begin.
It is often believed that a leader is someone who knows how to suppress others, manipulate others, and involve them against their will in some business. That the leader is the loudest person, I'm sorry. You often see that the guys are pushing themselves out of their way to be the first in everything, but there is not enough strength. They try to assert their leadership with strength and shouting. Sometimes it works, but not for long. A leader truly becomes someone who is truly respected.
Leadership manifests itself in different ways in different situations. Someone is the leader in a fight where you need to defend your rights with your fists. Someone is a leader in their studies, in their profession. And someone is the undisputed leader in the family, where everyone listens to him. There is a leader-boss and an informal leader in a team. Probably, you should not try to always and everywhere make your way to the leaders. There are, of course, exceptional personalities who succeed in everything. But, of course, not because they yearn for leadership. But because they are smart, talented, courageous, sincere.
Leadership is an expression of a person's inner strength, self-confidence. Such a person is not afraid, does not doubt, because he knows that he is right. And such a person takes responsibility for himself and for others. First - for yourself, for the correctness of the chosen path. And then for others who follow him. Leadership is about responsibility, about understanding what your actions mean for others and for the whole world.
What was she wearing? - Во что она была одета?
Who was wearing a miniskirt? - Кто был в миниюбке?
Why would her skirt be a collar if it was any shother? - Почему ее юбка была бы как воротничок, если бы она была чуть короче?
What was the length of her skirt? - Какова была длина ее юбки?
Whose skirt would be a collar if it was any shother? - Чья юбка была бы как воротничок, если бы она была чуть короче?
What was her skirt like? - Что предствляла из себя ее юбка?