4 с 6.00 утра до 10.00 ночи. Шестнадцать часов на хлопковых полях, а я всего 2 доллара в день. Я уверен, что работа, но стихи в моей голове. Мне действительно нужно научиться читать и писать. Когда мне было шестнадцать, Юбер, вскоре у меня было шестеро детей, пятеро сыновей, а затем дочь Лили. Юбер незадолго до ее рождения. Это было шестьдесят пять лет назад. Так что я после своей семьи одна. Времени учиться не было, но все мои дети пишут - это было важно для меня. А когда я научился читать и писать? Я не бегал, пока мне не исполнилось 86 лет, а теперь у меня есть три книги пунцов.
Некоторые слова вы пропустили, поэтому перевела так
2 There's somebody at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
3 Does anybody mind if I open the window?
4 I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat anything.
5 You must be hungry. Why don't get you something to eat?
6 Quick, let's go! There's somebody coming and I don't want anybody to see us.
7 Sarah was upset about something and refused to talk to anybody.
8 This machine is very easy to use. Anybody can learn to use it very quickly.
9 There was hardly anybody on the beach. It was almost deserted.
10 'Do you live somewhere near Joe?' 'No, he lives in another part of town.'
11 "Where shall we go on holiday?' 'Let's go somewhere warm and sunny.
12 They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go anywhere.
13 I'm going to a meeting now. If somebody needs me, tell them I'll be back at 11.30.
14 Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost anything?
15 This is a no-parking area. Anybody who parks here will have to pay a fine.
16 Jonathan stood up and left the room without saying anything.
17 'Can I ask you something?
"Sure. What do you want to ask?'
18 Sue is very secretive. She never tells anything.
Her favorite program is "Evening Urgant". She is very fond of crocodiles