Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world(жираф самое высокое животное на планете) rat is the most nasty animal in our country(крыса самое мерское животное в нашей стране) shark is the most predatory animal in the world(акула-самое опасное животное в мире) The elephant is bigger than the mouse(слон на много больше чем мышь) А dog swims better than a cat(собака плавает лучше чем кот) Shark is more dangerous than a dolphin(акула опаснее чем делфин)...на счет дельфина не очень логично, но что-то не придумала из морских кого-то по опаснее)))
1. Last spring I and my family were in Vietnam. 2. There we saw different animals, such as elephants, monkeys and crocodiles. 3. Also I was in Egipt, but, unfortunately, I did not see camels there. I saw them only in the zoo in Moscow . 4. This summer I spent with my granny in the village, where I play with her cat and dog. And every morning we fed cows and small pigs. 5. I have never seen dolphins, because I have not been on the Black Sea . 6. My wish is to visite Madagascar and to see the wild world.
1) went
2) built
3) spent
4) spoke
5) told
6) ate
7) saw
8) had
9) Did you have
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