The cinema is more modern than the library.
The train station is further than the bus station.
Those flats are cheaper than these houses.
New York is noisier than Geneva.
The shopping centre is more dirty than the sports centre.
The river is more dangerous than the swimming pool.
Объяснение: тут все просто, якщо слово маленьке, то добавляти потрібно закінчення -er для вищої форми (cheaper, happier) і the + -est для найвищої (the cheapest, the happiest)
Якщо слово довше, тоді more + adjective для вищої (more dangerous) і the most + adjective для найвищої (the most dangerous)
Сначала надо определить сказуемое в предложении и в какой форме (времени) оно используется. Потом при вс глагола и нужного местоимения образуем tag = "хвостик", применив правило "батарейки":
если предложение утвердительное (+), то хвостик отрицательный (-) и наоборот ( -, + ?)
1) The moon goes round the earth, doesn't it? ( +, - ?)
2) The earth is bigger than the moon, isn't it?
3) Asian people don't like rice, do they? ( -, + ?)
4) Elephants live in Europe, don't they?
5) You haven't got $10 to lend me, have you?
6) You can swim, can't you?
7) You didn’t know where the boss was, did you?
8) This meal is horrible, isn't it?
9) The meeting is tomorrow at 9am, isn't it?
10) You won’t go without me, will you?