Michael Joseph Jackson (eng. Michael Joseph Jackson; born August 29, 1958 in Los Angeles, is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, choreographer, actor, philanthropist, entrepreneur. The most successful ispolnitelej the history of pop music, known as the "King of pop", winner of 15 Grammy awards and hundreds of other awards. 25 times is listed in the Guinness Book of records. The number of sold records worldwide Jackson (albums, singles, collections, etc.) is 1 billion copies. In 2009, officially recognized by the American Legend and Icon of Music. Michael Jackson made a significant contribution to the development of popular music, video, dance and fashion. Michael Jackson died June 25, 2009
There is a phone in our apartment. We have a radio and TV also. Our house located on the Svoboda street. There are a school and politica near our house. There a lot of English books in school library, but I have only few. There're snow outside. Snow lay on the ground, roof and trees. There will a meeting tomorrow. I have to visit it. What is lying on your table? It's my report and dairy. My sis has many in politic. She is a doctor. There a lot of patients in her district. There're many beautiful buildings and historical monuments. There is not batter in fridge, it's on the table. There are batter, white bread and jam. There are many good humor in this book. I can't translate this text,there're unknown words and it too hard for me. There're few rare stamps in collection of my dad. How many foreign writers in your home-library?