In the area of the father, Dostoyevsky — one of branches of a family of Rtishchevs which originates from Aslan-Chelebi-murzy, kreshchyonny the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskim. Rtishchevs entered into the immediate environment of the prince Serpukhov and Bohr Ivan Vasilyevich who in 1456, having quarreled with Vasily Tyomnym, went to Pinsk being at that time as a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. There Ivan Vasilyevich became the prince Pinsky. To Stepan Rtishchev he granted villages to Kalechino and Lepovitsa. In 1506 Ivan Vasilyevich, Feodor's son, granted Daniel Rtishchev part of the village of Dostoev in Pinsk повете. From here and "Dostoevsky". Ancestors of the writer on the fatherly line since 1577 acquired a right to use Radvan — the Polish noble coat of arms. Dostoevsky's father many saws also was extremely cruel. "My grandfather Mikhail — reports Lyubov Dostoyevskaya — treated always very strictly the serfs. The more he drank, the growing furious became until they, eventually, didn't kill him".Mother, Maria Fiodorovna Nechaev (1800 — 1837), the daughter of the merchant of the 3rd guild of Feodor Timofeevich Nechaev (1769 — 1832) coming from old of posadsky of the city of Borovsk of the Kaluga
One night, I was at home alone and was going to fall asleep, when I noticed a musty smell. First i thought it was my imagination but it grew really nasty. I got out of bed trying to find where the smell was coming from. I was tired and went back to bed. About 2 o'clock, I woke up to a loud sound. I was sure heard it coming from downstairs. I quickly ran downstairs to see what it was and only then I noticed that it was very cold in the house. The musty smell in the house was really horrible now. I suddenly felt i wasn't alone on the house anymore. My hair stood on end. I saw a hooded monk. I was dead scared; .suddenly, the figure started to fade away. When his head finally disappeared, the house wasn't cold anymore. I had to sit down on the floor for a while. Then I switched on all the lights in the house, and I called a friend and went to stay at his place. Never again did I sleep in that room!
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