1. This room is a mess! What HAVE YOU BEEN DOING all day?
2. Look at that man over there. He HAS BEEN STANDING there for hours.
3. He HAS BEEN CLEANING the windows and he HASN'T FINISHED yet.
4. The magazine HAS (ALREADY) PUBLISHED a report on English-speakers. It’s excellent!
5. The teacher was late. When he arrived, the students said “We HAVE WAITED for you for half an hour, teacher!”.
6. The teacher was late. When he arrived, someone told him “The students HAVE BEEN WAITING for you for half an hour and then they have gone! You were so late!”.
7. They HAVE BEEN LIVING there for ages but they moved last week.
8. They HAVE LIVED here for ages and they love this place.
9. Peter HAS FINISHED his book at last.
10. They HAVE BEEN QUEUING since midday and they are still waiting for their turn.
11. She HAS BEEN WAITING for one hour but she has left because they had to go to work.
12. He HAS BEEN PLAYING golf for ten years but then he stopped due to health problems.
STATIVE VERB: It's a verb that cannot change its base form to -ing such as like, wish, promise, etc.
active - активный
witty - остроумный
famous - знаменитый
hopeful - обнадёживающий
boring - скучный
dramatic - драматичный
careless - беспечный
eatable - съедобный