Sport plays an important role in our life. Everyone who wants to be healthy and keep fit should go in for sports As for me, I’m fond of different kinds of sports and games but my favourite ones are swimming and figure skating. I can go swimming all the year round. Actually, I have been practicing it seriously since I was six. I believe that swimming makes me healthy and strong. I also like being part of a team. We have already travelled through lots of cities for our competitions and won a great number of prizes I am really proud of. Of course, I feel exhausted at times as I have trainings almost every day but I should say it’s a pleasant and satisfactory feeling. Frankly speaking I hope to become a famous sportsman one day.Sport plays an important role in our life. Everyone who wants to be healthy and keep fit should go in for sports.
- Не волнуйся, - сказал папа, “если Вы не любите их, мы стены любой цвет Вам нравится.” Сделать
“Ты хочешь розовый?” Мама предложила. Кэти ее голову. SHAKE “Нет, розовый - либо для или для глупых девочек, которые любят кукол Барби. Я не из тех”. Детские Ее родители улыбнулся, но ничего. НЕ/СКАЗАТЬ “Но какой цвет выбрать? Жаль, что мы просим, дизайнер компании " профессиональные консультации”, - сказала Кэти. Может “О, нет! Это исключено!”, - сказала Кэти мать, твердо. А советы дизайнера гораздо, чем мы можем себе позволить.” Дорогие “Ок". Это была просто идея.”
“Возвращаясь к стене цвет, почему бы не сделать вашу комнату желтый или оранжевый?” - Предложил папа. “Когда стены в эти цвета, комната будет выглядеть веселым.” Краска “Да!” Кэти определенно понравилась идея. “Мы сделаем три стены желтые, но один будет оранжевый.” Четыре На следующий день, когда Кэти вернулась из школы, ее папа сказал: “посмотрите, какой я”. там были краски и кисти на пол.
“Все готово для нас, чтобы начать.” Он улыбнулся и протянул Кэти кисти.
As for me, I’m fond of different kinds of sports and games but my favourite ones are swimming
and figure skating. I can go swimming all the year round. Actually, I have been practicing it seriously since I was six. I believe that swimming makes me healthy and strong. I also like being part of a team. We have already travelled through lots of cities for our competitions and won a great number of prizes I am really proud of. Of course, I feel exhausted at times as I have trainings almost every day but I should say it’s a pleasant and satisfactory feeling. Frankly speaking I hope to become a famous sportsman one day.Sport plays an important role in our life. Everyone who wants to be healthy and keep fit should go in for sports.