1.Should all library eguipment and books be used carefully? What should be used carefully?
2.Should conversation be kept to a minimum and as guiet possible? How should conversation be kept? .
3.Should personal stereos be used in the library? What should not be used in the library?
4.Should mobile phones be turned off before readers enter the library? When should mobile phones be turned off?
5. Is food or drink allowed? What is not allowed?
6.sHOULD all borrowed books be brought back by the due date? What books should be btought back?
6. Should fines for the late return of the books be paid? Why should fines be paid?
7.Should all books be shown to the librarians before you leave the library?Whom and when should all books be shown ?
8.Should everybody be treated very politely? How should everybody be treated?
1. Should all library equipment and books be used carefully? How should all library equipment and books be used?
2. Shold conversation be kept to a minimum and as quiet as possible? How shouls a conversation be kept?
3. Should personal stereos be used in the library? Where shouldn't personal stereos be used?
4. Should mobile phones be turned off before readres enter the library? Where should mobile phones be turned off?
5. Is food and drink allowed? Why isn't food and drink allowed?
6. Should fines for the late return of the books be paid? Why should fines be paid?
7. Should all books be shown to the librarians before you leave the library? What should be shown to the librarians before you leave the library?
8. Should everybody be treated very politely? Who should be treated very politely?
У Энн Граймс была маленькая канистра, и она много ездила по городу, потому что каждое утро ездила на работу на машине и возвращалась домой тоже на машине, а по субботам делала покупки на своей машине. Но она очень редко выезжала в нем за город, потому что у нее было мало времени.
И вот однажды воскресным августовским утром она сказала себе: "Сегодня прекрасный день, и в городе жарко. Я собираюсь поехать за город и устроить там пикник в тихом поле, Она проехала двадцать километров, а потом вышла на небольшую проселочную дорогу. Она посмотрела на него и сказала себе: "Эта дорога очень крутая, не так ли?" Она остановилась перед домом и спросила мужчину: "Эта дорога опасна?"
- Нет, - ответил мужчина, - здесь не опасно. Они всегда падают на дно."