School takes quite a big period in the life of every person. We start school being little children and finish it when we are already almost grown-up people with our own attitude towards life and our own achievements.
Why do we need school? First of all school is education. Our parents always tell us to study because this will help us to get a good job in future, become rich and successful.
Школа — это достаточно большой период в жизни каждого человека. Мы идем в школу будучи еще совсем маленькими детьми и заканчиваем ее уже почти взрослыми людьми со своим собственным взглядом на жизнь и своими достижениями.
Зачем нам нужна школа? Прежде всего, школа – это образование. Наши родители всегда говорят, что мы должны учиться, потому что это нам найти хорошую работу в будущем, стать богатыми и успешными.
in: bargain, discount, credit, cash, pre-packaged, display, queue, coupon, money off, offered, changed the
packaging, waste, lower price, save, resources, shift, reduced, offer.
1 every tuesday my local supermarket has a discount
on freshly-baked goods.
2 i got this coupon
in the newspaper
which gives £5 off cds at harper's music shop.
3 i always prefer paying in cash
when i go shopping.
4 we are using all of the earth's natural resources
and one day we will regret
not being more careful.
5 i prefer cooking with fresh food rather than pre-packaged
6 don't waste
money buying things
you don't need
7 james is trying to save
money to
buy a new car
8 the shoe shop has drastically reduced
the prices of summer sandals.
9 many companies have changed the
of their products to more recyclable materials.
10 this shop's window display really encourages customers to go in.
11. every time i go to the post office, i end up waiting in a queue for over an hour.
12 the local hairdresser's has a special offer on haircuts every tuesday.
13 tom's boss offered
him a promotion
14 the jumper i purchased at half price was a real bargain
15 hackers who steal credit details and other personal information should be prosecuted.
16 i asked for some money off
the computer because it was damaged.
17 one way to shift
you can't sell is to lower their price.
18 you can usually buy books online for a much lower price than at bookshops.