1.The title of the film is "The Old Man". 2.The genre of the film is drama. 3.lt is about family relationships and relationships between people and nature. 4.Yes,it is.Film is based on a book named "The Old Man and the Sea" and author of this book is Ernest Hemingway. 5.This film is set in Kazakhstan. 6.Yerbolat Toguzakov plays as Kassym and Arynbek Moldakhan plays the role of Yerali. 7.Reviewer's favourite character is Kassym,because Kassym is brave. 8.The reviewer's opinion is that film is a bit sad,but the story is interesting,and there's a lot of exciting scenes.
It cost a lot of money. The United States spent about
$100 billion. Both countries used German scientists to develop their
The Space Race began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched
the first satellite, Sputnik. They sent a dog into space on Sputnik 2.
Then, in 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. He
went round the Earth once. It took 108 minutes.
In 1961 President Kennedy said that before the end of 1969
Americans would land a man on the moon.
In 1966 a Russian spacecraft landed on the moon, but there were no astronauts
on board.
In 1968 Apollo 8 orbited the moon. Then, in 1969, Apollo 11 landed
on the moon, and Armstrong and Aldrin walked on its surface.
The Space Race ended in 1975 when the Russian Soyuz 19
met and joined America's Apollo 18 in space.
So the Russians won the race to put the first man in space, but
the Americans put the first man on the moon.
2 Look at the answers about the Space Race. Complete the questions.
1 'How much did the United States spend?' about $100 billion
2 'When did the Space Race begin?' 'In 1957:
3 'What did the Soviet Union send into space on Sputnik 2?' ‘A dog:
4 'When did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space?' 'In 1961:
5 'How many times did he go round the Earth?' 'Once:
6 'How long did it take? '108 minutes:
7 'When did Apollo 11 land on the moon?' 'In 1969:
8 'When did the Space Race end?' 'In 1975:
1)This is my room,in my room you can see may toys and book.Ther very amazing.
2)There books are,very cool,I love these books and every day have been reading these.