Вставить в слова в текст 1 In drilling h... in metal, heavy pressure must be applied at the
drill p 2 Spiral f... are found on most drills. 3 The c... angle at
the outer corner of the l... should be about 12 4 The cutting edges
of t... d... have angles of top rake and clearance the same as any
other с… t... have. 5 The body of metal between the flutes forms
what is called the w 6 The drills are held in place by their t...
shanks or by gripping straight-s... drills in a c...
Используя данные слова:
to desire, desirable, undesirable; cylinder, cylindrical, cylindrically;
to straighten, straight; to grind, ground, re ground; equal, equality,
equalization, to equalize, equalizer, unequal, unequalled
3. Tom and Julie are learning English this year.
4. This restaurant opens at 9.30 every morning.
5. Our cousins are coming to see us next Sunday.
6. Tom reads the newspaper every morning on the train.
7.Julie usually cleans the house on Saturdays.
8. She is writing a letter to a client now.
9. Julie speaks three languages: English, French and Spanish.
10. Today is Sunday. Tom and Julie are relaxing in their garden.