[10.3.2] answer the questions. 1 why is gardner's theory important for schools? 2 which type of intelligence do you think best describes you? why? 3 think! you agree with gardner's theory? why/why not?
1) Alice does her flat herself. Scarlet has her flat done. 2) Alice makes her own clothes. Scarlet has her clothes made. 3) Alice plants flowers in her garden. Scarlet has her flowers planted. 4) Alice paints her house herself. Scarlet has her house painted. 5) Alice repairs her car herself. Scarlet has her car repaired. 6) Alice cleans the windows herself. Scarlet has her windows cleaned. 7) Alice washes her linen herself. Scarlet has her linen washed. 8) Alice always does her hair herself. Scarlet has her hair done.
"craft (корабль - корабли) и производные от слова "craft"; "aircraft" (самолёт - самолёты), "hovercraft" (транспортное средство на воздушной подушке - транспортные средства на воздушной подушке), "spacecraft" (космический корабль - космические корабли), "alms" (подаяние - подаяния), "barracks" (казарма - казармы), "crossroads" (пересечение дорог - перекрестки), "headquarters" (главное управление - центральные органы), "gallows" (виселица - виселицы), "deer" (олень - олени), "fish" (рыба - рыбы), "fruit" (фрукт - фрукты), "grouse" (куропатка - куропатки), "means" (средство - средства), "sheep" (овца - овцы), "swine (свинья - свиньи), в переносном смысле образует множественное число с окончания -s; "My neighbours are just such swines!" - «Мои соседи - просто такие свиньи!» "works" (завод - заводы), "There is one aircraft left on the runway." - «На взлетно-посадочной полосе остался один самолет.» "There are many aircraft in the sky today." - «Сегодня в небе много самолетов.» "Some fish are dangerous." - «Некоторые рыбы опасны.»
2) Alice makes her own clothes. Scarlet has her clothes made.
3) Alice plants flowers in her garden. Scarlet has her flowers planted.
4) Alice paints her house herself. Scarlet has her house painted.
5) Alice repairs her car herself. Scarlet has her car repaired.
6) Alice cleans the windows herself. Scarlet has her windows cleaned.
7) Alice washes her linen herself. Scarlet has her linen washed.
8) Alice always does her hair herself. Scarlet has her hair done.