1 that he likes this song 2 is my sister 3 that he doesn't speak Italian 4 to say hello to to Jim 5 that the film began at seven o'clock 6 don't play on the grass 7 where did he spent his money 8 that he never makes mistakes 9 does she know Robert 10 don't try this at home 11 that she was very tired 12 to be careful 13 that she will get herself a drink 14 why haven't i phoned her 16 does he prefer tea or coffee 15 that he cannot drive them home 17 where did i spend my holidays last year 18 don't go too far 19 have we been shopping 20 don't make so much noise
Итс вэри бд ту мис лэссонс-плохо опаздывать на уроки. уы спэнт ауа лэст саммэ холидэйс трэвелин уы уэнт эброуд-мы провели каникулы прошлого лета путешествием. ай уэнт шоппин энд спэнт э лот оф тайм зэя зэтс уай ай миссэд э гуд фильм он тиви-я гуляла по магазинам и проводила много времени перед телевизором. фазэ гэйв ми э камера эс э бёрздэй прэзэнт-папа подарил мне на день рождение камеру. туморроу айл гоу ту скул энд тэйк э лот оф пистэрс-завтра я пойду в школу и возьму много рисунков. удачи!
2 is my sister
3 that he doesn't speak Italian
4 to say hello to to Jim
5 that the film began at seven o'clock
6 don't play on the grass
7 where did he spent his money
8 that he never makes mistakes
9 does she know Robert
10 don't try this at home
11 that she was very tired
12 to be careful
13 that she will get herself a drink
14 why haven't i phoned her
16 does he prefer tea or coffee
15 that he cannot drive them home
17 where did i spend my holidays last year
18 don't go too far
19 have we been shopping
20 don't make so much noise