Yeah sometimes I do
Solo only when I was a child.
In my adult life it was only when my kids were little so I did it with them, or when on a date.
It's quite rare e.g. every few years but every now and then it might be a trip to the seaside or large park, most likely with a date and she's either never flown a kite or she has but it just so happens to be windy, a shop nearby is selling kites and so on the interest of being cute and romantic and something nice to do on said date, we fly a kite.
I've never bought and flown one solo in my adult life — I was a child when I flew one solo — in my adult life it's only been in the context of a date or with my kids when they were small.
1. Some cans can be recycled from our homes and businesses at recycling sites. F
2. First, they are passed under a magnet to separate steel from aluminium cans. D
3. Next, they are crushed into large cubes. G
4. After that, the cubes are cutted into small pieces. E
5. These pieces are melted into liquid aluminium. H
6. The melted metal is poured into moulds to make blocks. B
7. The cooled blocks are shiped to a rolling facility. A
8. There they are rolled into large sheets of aluminium. C