1.To my mind, the main reason people leave their home countries is that they want find a better life in another one. However, there other cases. For example, a person should move to the USA to work in a big company or to marry with another person. 2.I think, that they face a great number of problems. It can be the absence of work and accommodation, bad relationships with citizens of country and their stereotypes, and others. 3.I don't wanna live in another country. I believe, that in the future me and my generation can make a great difference, develop and improve the life in my country.
1.Will have has 3.At. -на небе они увидели звезды In. - В школе дети читают книги fifty four capits, first day, thirty four thousands eight hundreds twenty nine, four:fifteen 4. Мои студенты читают стихи сами. (указательное местоимение-my) 5.he is smarter like her The more you write the better This book is not more new like that 6.She may not take all flowers. -Она не может взять все цветы Their parents wont have minuets fot a talk. - У их родителей не будет минуты для разговора 7. Can your teacher show a journal? May I take a bag?
2.I think, that they face a great number of problems. It can be the absence of work and accommodation, bad relationships with citizens of country and their stereotypes, and others.
3.I don't wanna live in another country. I believe, that in the future me and my generation can make a great difference, develop and improve the life in my country.