What you did last weekend. O Hi...! How ...? ... with ... last weekend. We the whole day there. In the morning, we In the afternoon, we ... 1 ... very much. It ... fun! Write
1.Yesterday my friend broke his leg. He fell off the bike. 2. Where is the carpet? It was in the middle of the room! It has disappeared. 3. Look! Somebody has climbed up the tree and can't get down. 4. My mother is back home now but she has gone to Italy for a month. 5. I love his music. You know, Beethoven was a great composer.
6. Yesterday you gave me the magazine but I have lost it!
7. My brother is not in. He has just gone. 8. They went out early in the morning and have not come back. 9. I wanted to send you a greeting card but I forgot. 10. -I am going on holiday!
Again? But you were on holiday last month! -It was (“not” возможно пропущено?) holiday. I went on business trip.
Have been tested - Новые три вагона поезда-цистерны были испытаны в суровых зимних условия на ж/д в Аляске. will have been completed - Строительство моста и дамбы будет закончено к началу сезона навигации. are being constructed - В настоящее время в Европе и Азии строятся 2500 км скоростных линий. maintains - система кондиционирования воздуха всегда поддерживает оптимальную температуру и влажность в вагоне. is being built - В настоящее время новая высокоскоростная железнодорожная линия строится на севере России. has caused - Потоп значительно повредил железнодорожную ветку.
1.Yesterday my friend broke his leg. He fell off the bike.
2. Where is the carpet? It was in the middle of the room! It has disappeared.
3. Look! Somebody has climbed up the tree and can't get down.
4. My mother is back home now but she has gone to Italy for a month.
5. I love his music. You know, Beethoven was a great composer.
6. Yesterday you gave me the magazine but I have lost it!
7. My brother is not in. He has just gone.
8. They went out early in the morning and have not come back.
9. I wanted to send you a greeting card but I forgot.
10. -I am going on holiday!
Again? But you were on holiday last month!
-It was (“not” возможно пропущено?) holiday. I went on business trip.