1 Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu is an ancient Kazakh ... a novel b legend 2 What type of story is The Lord of the Rings? a horror b fantasy Which detective did Agatha Christie write about in her crime novels? a Hercule Poirot b Sherlock Holmes 4 Abay Qunanbayuli is famous for his ... a plays b poems When did William Shakespeare write his plays? a about 400 years ago b about 100 years ago 6 How many dwarves are in the fairy tale Snow White and the ... Dwarves? a ten b seven 7 Who wrote the classic novel Oliver Twist? a Jane Austen b Charles Dickens 8 Where is the location for the comic book Akira? a France b Japan
everyone loves travel, because it is so exciting and interesting. If I had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, I would choose Japan. I think that I would take my family and my closest friends with me. We would stay at a hotel. Japan is an amazing country. most of all I would like to visit Tokyo. Neon signs everywhere, electric doors, taxi doors that opened on their own and also I think that I would visit Yayoi Kusama (яой кусама ) museum. the 1st floor is the entrance and gift shop, and 2nd&3rd floors are an exhibition space for Kisama’s art works. The 4th floor serves as a hands-on installations space, and 5th floor is the space for a reading room and storing documents related to her and her art works including outdoor space. And also I would visit Tsukishima Monja (Цукисима моня)Street.It’s Tokyo’s most popular local food. The dish might look weird and unpleasant at first, but i think it’s taste much better than it looks! To sum up I would like to say that traveling is an amazing way to know more about different places, cultures and also brings us good memories.
2) Почему у всех в Англии был праздник? 3) Что англичане говорили о времени? 4) Что думали консервы о своем новом ребенке? 5) Где жил Том Канти? 6) Как выглядели дома в этой части Лондона? 7) Сколько комнат было у семьи Тома? Как это выглядело? 8) Из кого состояла семья? 9) Как консервы зарабатывали на жизнь? 10) Они были счастливой дружной семьей, не так ли? 11) Том ходил в школу? Мог ли он читать и писать? 12) Какими были соседи Тома в Судном дворе? 13) Какова была повседневная жизнь Тома? 14) О чем Том думал и мечтал все время? 15) Как чтение и сновидения Тома изменили его? 16) Что люди в Оффал-Корт думают о Томе?
everyone loves travel, because it is so exciting and interesting. If I had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, I would choose Japan. I think that I would take my family and my closest friends with me. We would stay at a hotel. Japan is an amazing country. most of all I would like to visit Tokyo. Neon signs everywhere, electric doors, taxi doors that opened on their own and also I think that I would visit Yayoi Kusama (яой кусама ) museum. the 1st floor is the entrance and gift shop, and 2nd&3rd floors are an exhibition space for Kisama’s art works. The 4th floor serves as a hands-on installations space, and 5th floor is the space for a reading room and storing documents related to her and her art works including outdoor space. And also I would visit Tsukishima Monja (Цукисима моня)Street.It’s Tokyo’s most popular local food. The dish might look weird and unpleasant at first, but i think it’s taste much better than it looks! To sum up I would like to say that traveling is an amazing way to know more about different places, cultures and also brings us good memories.