A) Complete the gaps with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive using the verbs in brackets.
1) Name three national foods that are eaten in our country. (eat)
2) Name three national sport games that
3) Name three legends that
in our country. (tell)
4) Name three historical buildings that
5) Name three national drinks that
in our country.
6) Name three popular TV programs that
in our country.
7) Name three animals that
in our country. (find)
8) Name three books by Chyngyz Aitmatov that
films. (make)
in our country
2. We heard about the earthquake in the news.
3. This must be finished by five o’clock without fail.
4. Paul and I arrived at the party at the same time.
5. We were under the impression that they were moving to France.
6. Crime is on the increase in many cities.
7. The knock at the door took me by surprise.
8. He erased his project from the computer and had to start from scratch.
9. In my opinion, he is the greatest musician of our time.
10. I don’t know for certain, but I think she’s gone on holiday.
11. You’re looking a bit off colour – are you feeling alright?
12. The ceremony is being held in honour of the Pope’s visit!
13. He put salt in his tea by mistake, thinking it was sugar.
14. I can’t stop and talk. I’m in a hurry.
15. She waved until the car was out of sight.
16. We always stay in. Why don’t we go out for a change?
17. He told us the plan in brief and didn’t go into detail.
18. I mustn’t eat any chocolate. I’m on a diet.
19. Peter has gone to London on business.
20. She selected a CD at random and put in the CD player.