1. Что обычно англичане едят на Рождественский ужин? 2. Когда англичане сжигают чучело Гая Фокса? 3. В какую игру в Великобритании принято играть летом? 4. Как в Великобритании отмечают день блинов? 5. Сколько Святых дней существует в Великобритании? 6. Каким словом англичане выражают одобрение? 7. Что принято делать в 12 часов ночи на Новый Год? 8. Когда происходит открытие парламента в Великобритании? 9. Как англичане украшают дом к Рождеству? 10. Какой праздник является самым грандиозным и торжественным в Великобритании?
1. Tom plays football on Saturday.
2. He doesn't play football every day.
3. I'm wearing a suit now.
4. I'm not wearing jeans now.
5. My friend doesn't like to play football.
6. I'm not reading now.
7. Is he sleeping now?
8. We don't go to the country in winter.
9. My sister eats sweets every day.
10. She's not eating sweets now.
11. They do their homework in the afternoon.
12. They don't go for a walk in the evening.
13. My father doesn't work on Sunday.
14. He works every day.
15. I read books in the evening.
16. I don't read books in the morning.
17. I'm writing an exercise now.
18. I'm not writing a letter now.
19. They're playing in the yard now.
20. They're not playing in the street now.
21. Are they playing in the room now?
22. He helps his mother every day.
23. Does he help his mother every day?
24. He doesn't help his mother every day.
25. Do you go to school on Sunday?
26. Is she working in a shop now?
27. Is he delivering letters now?
28. Do you go to the opera with your friends?