Sarah R, Celia G and Brian B put their lives at a risk while they were saving a friend Amy W from a fire yesterday
Sarah was just leaving the school building when she heard a bang and then a loud scream.
It was coming from the chemistry lab.
Her eyes were itching and she started coughing.
While she was shouting for help, the fire alarm went off
While they were running to the lab, Brian; tripped over something.
She was lying unconscious
They were all coughing, crying and laughing at the same time when the fire brigade and the ambulance arrived.
люблю осень, потому что идет много дождей, и я люблю дождливую погоду. 2 мне нравится
зимой, потому что холодно и я люблю свежий воздух. 3 Это круто. 4 Снежно,
5 Желтые, красные и апельсиновые деревья - это фантастика! 6 На деревьях лежит снег
и дома. 7 Люблю осенние цветы. 8 Я люблю кататься на лыжах в горах.
9 Эти цветы прекрасны. 10 | люблю играть в хоккей. 11 пора
ходить в школу. 12 Я чувствую себя очень здоровым и счастливым. 13 у меня много
друзья в школе. 14 Люблю свежий воздух и красивую природу.
1) have you ever eaten
have heard
2) have never travelled
3) have you ever explored
haven't seen
4) have visited
haven't been