Dombai-Ulgen, Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Dombai-Ulgen is the top of the western part of the Watershed Range of the Greater Caucasus (on the border of Abkhazia and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic). Dombai-Ulgen is the highest peak of Abkhazia, it is located to the east of Dombai settlement, it has three peaks: western (4036 m), main (4046 m) and eastern (3950 m).
From the main peak to the north a steep crest, ending with a fall - "Dombai saddle", departs. From the Dombai saddle to the top is a classic route (category 3B), available for climbing in one day with a descent to the camp.
Если что-то неправильно,извиняюсь.
A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit- плохой компромисс лучше чем хорошая тяжба
A bad workman quarrels with his tools-плохой работник с инструментами не в ладу
Laugh and the world laughs with you weep and you weep alone - засмейся и вес мир засмеётся с тобой , заплачь и ты будешь плакать в одиночестве
Keep your powder dry- держи порох сухим
Make haste slowly-торопись медленно
Neck or nothing -либо добьюсь либо себе шею сверну
Pearls of wisdom жемчужины мудрости
Walls have ears- стены имеют уши