That was long ago. I was walking down the street. Suddenly a huge dog appeared in front of me. I got very scared. The dog came around, sniffed, and growled. Suddenly it lunged forward and grabbed my leg. I felt strong pain in my right leg. I managed to escape from its teeth and I ran away as fast as I could. The leg, however, was very painful later, but the bite was not serious.
Это было очень давно. Я шел вниз по улице. Внезапно передо мной появилась огромная собака. Мне стало очень страшно. Пес подошел поближе, принюхался и зарычал. Внезапно он рванулся вперед и схватил меня за ногу. Я почувствовал сильную боль в правой ноге. Мне удалось вырваться из его зубов, и я побежал так быстро, как только мог. Нога, правда, потом сильно болела, но укус был несерьезный.
Circle the
Complete the text with the negative past simple
form of these verbs.
do * eat give have watch
di dr Zoomework last weekend because our
My parents
past they
worked in
job. My m
! () was/
to open a
(0) wasn't
didn't ha
Now the
more sho
mework last weekend because our
teacher (b)
us any. I (c) A TV
because there weren't any good programmes on. My
grandparents (d)
to our house because
they were busy. I (e)
in a restaurant
because 1(A)
any money. I played a game
of tennis, but I (g)
1 lost. Last weekend
a good weekend!
به سینه ما :: د بام و فاز
1 Match
1 Ab