3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.
1 What do you need to make "Kazakh et"
2 Do you ever eat this dish? When?
3 What other traditional Kazakh dishes do you
know? When do you eat them?
Horse meat contains a lot of vitamins and
water, which are both good for you. It
contains more protein and less fat than many
other meats, and so is a healthier option,
тому кто ответит!!
1. is there anyone In the dining room?
2. there is no one In the garden.
3. is there anyone In our room?
4. There's someone there.
5. No one was there.
6. In the library there is anyone?
7. Behind the curtain there is something? – No, there's nothing there.
8. In the bag there's something.
9. is there anyone In the house? "Yes, there is someone there.
10. Under the table there is something? "Yes, there's something there.
11. There's nothing there.
12. Is there anyone in the doctor's office? — No, there's no one there.
13. Our library has some books in English.
14. do you have any books by Jack London In your library?
15. My uncle wants to tell me something.
16. There is something round on the table. What is it?
17. No one knows anything about this.
18. The city has many parks. Trees and flowers are everywhere.
19. In that room there is someone.
20. Anna lives somewhere in this area.
21. I don't know anyone in this city.
22. Please give me something to eat. 8. Does anyone know the address of our teacher?
23. Everything is fine.
24. Anyone want to watch TV?
25. We have heard this song everywhere.
26. He is somewhere in the garden.