I would like to see almost all the attractions in the UK, such as Buckingham Palace after it, I would like to go to Big Ben, as well as to Stonehenge and, possibly, the last place I would like to visit is Canterbury Cathedral
Это русская версия
Я хотел бы видеть почти все достопримечательности в Великобритании, такие как Букингемский дворец после него, я хотел бы поехать к Биг Бену, а также в Стоунхендж и, возможно, последнее место, которое я хотел бы посетить, это Кентерберийский собор.
so many things to do today.
things i love to do, and other things not so much fun.
paperwork. ugh. i wish it had never been invented.
despise it, even online. a never ending story.
like housework.
druggery that barely lasts long enough
for the ink to dry or the dust bunnies to settle.
i have a quirky mind that does not like being bored with the humdrum.
i refuse to acknowledge the
grown up parts of myself,
preferring to focus on the fun things i can do.
the things that give me joy and uplift my soul.
art, poetry, painting, spending time with my grandchildren.
i am all about these things.
things that uplift and make me feel happy.
paperwork and housework i leave to my minions.
hi my name is Sonya i study in Russia