1.Как долго вы были на роботе?
I been
2.В какую больницу вы идёте?
I did go
3.Кокое твоё любимое занятие?
My hobby is
4.Вы можете разговаривать на других языках?
I can speak
5.Вы курите?
No,I don't;Yes,I do
6.Сколько ты спишь за день?
I sleep
7.Ты ешь много конфет?
Yes,I do;No,I don't
8.Ты вегатириан?
9.Ты ходишь в спорт?
Yes,I do/No,I don't
10.Ты когда-нибудь брал/а домой лекарство?
Yes,I do/No,I don't
11.Ты любишь чай с имбирем?
Yes,I do/No,I don't
12.Когда вы последний раз простужились?
I last caught a cold
1) I'm so upset - Josh cheated on me.
2) He asked me out and I said "yes".
3) I can't believe it! He fell in love with her after two weeks.
4) Maria and Sam were shouting and having an argument on well.
5) She said that she had met a new boy and she finished on with me.
1) My friends invited me to go to a party.
2) I announced that I was busy that day.
3) He refused not to drive too fast.
4) My sister promised to lend me her pink top.
5) She explained that she had a headache.
1) She told me that she loved John.
2) They said that they were happy.
3) His father said him to go to bed.
4) Mother said that she wanted to have a cup of tea.
5) John asked if I liked cold winters.