The road is an ancient symbol-image, therefore it can be found both in folklore and in the works of many classic writers, such as A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, N.A. Nekrasov.
A.S. Pushkin. The novel "The Captain's Daughter." The image of the road plays an important role in the plot of the novel by A.S. Pushkin and in revealing the character of the protagonist Pyotr Grinev. It is on the road to the Belogorsk fortress that he meets with Pugachev, then still unknown to passers-by. The counselor interested Petrusha with his outstanding appearance and peculiar language. The road leads the hero along with Pugachev to the fortress to free the orphan Masha Mironova. On the way, a conversation between Pugachev and Grinev takes place. And Petrusha is struck by his unusualness and desire for freedom. On the way from the fortress, Grinev forever breaks up with Pugachev, hears his last words, in which kindness and magnanimity sound
The road is an ancient symbol-image, therefore it can be found both in folklore and in the works of many classic writers, such as A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, N.A. Nekrasov.
A.S. Pushkin. The novel "The Captain's Daughter." The image of the road plays an important role in the plot of the novel by A.S. Pushkin and in revealing the character of the protagonist Pyotr Grinev. It is on the road to the Belogorsk fortress that he meets with Pugachev, then still unknown to passers-by. The counselor interested Petrusha with his outstanding appearance and peculiar language. The road leads the hero along with Pugachev to the fortress to free the orphan Masha Mironova. On the way, a conversation between Pugachev and Grinev takes place. And Petrusha is struck by his unusualness and desire for freedom. On the way from the fortress, Grinev forever breaks up with Pugachev, hears his last words, in which kindness and magnanimity sound)
Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang
The children were playing football all day long in the yard.
I was watching TV while he was doing his homework
They were walking along the seaside from 8 to 10 yesterday
She was constantly talking with somebody