2 Do the quiz "I can ...". 2 1) I can name hobbies. Я могу назвать хобби (увлечения). e.g. swimming, , 2) I can talk about my hobby. Я могу рассказать о своём хобби. e.g. My hobby's 3) I can complete Club's card. Я могу заполнить клубную карточку. e.g. Name: Sardor Shermatov 4) I can talk about kurash and taekwondo. Я могу рассказать про кураш и таэквондо. e.g. I like kurash. It's a ... 5) I can describe a graph. Я могу описать график. e.g. 20 boys and girls like 6) I can ask questions about hobby. Я могу задать вопросы про хобби. e.g. What's your hobby? Can you ...?
To the question “Describe the Englishman”, many of you would answer: “Stiff, polite, love tea and always talk about the weather.” The opinion of most readers would be based on well-known stereotypes that are not always true.
An important role in creating such stereotypes is played by the literary works of the most famous Russian and English writers: the vivid artistic image of the heroes leaves a trace in our memory for a long time and forms an attitude towards a particular nation. Here is an example from the novel Orlando by the English writer Virginia Woolf:
I'm sorry I can't hear what you said because everybody talks so loudly.Justing is currently writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished.Jim: Do you want o come over for dinner tonight? Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I will go to a movie tonight with some friends.The business cards normally are being printed by a company in New York. Their prices is inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.This delicious chocolate was made by a small chocolatier is Zurich, Switzerland.
To the question “Describe the Englishman”, many of you would answer: “Stiff, polite, love tea and always talk about the weather.” The opinion of most readers would be based on well-known stereotypes that are not always true.
An important role in creating such stereotypes is played by the literary works of the most famous Russian and English writers: the vivid artistic image of the heroes leaves a trace in our memory for a long time and forms an attitude towards a particular nation. Here is an example from the novel Orlando by the English writer Virginia Woolf: