Come - came - come, give - gave - given, read - read - read (последние две этих формы читаются как "рэд"), take - took - taken, begin - began - begun, leave - left - left, know - knew - known, work - worked - worked, think - thaught - thaught, run - ran - run, bring - braught - braught.
Ex. 2
Fell, was, spent, sold, took, won, met, got, went.
Ex. 3
1. Drove. Он отвёз своего дедушку к доктору.
2. Wore. Джек надел странный красный галстук.
3. Blew. Маленький Грег задул 5 свечей на своем праздничном торте.
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley-ball, football, body-building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activities in the kindergartens. Physical culture is ч compulsory subject at schools and colleges. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country. In city, where I live, there are different sporting societies, clubs and complexes.
Ex. 1
Come - came - come, give - gave - given, read - read - read (последние две этих формы читаются как "рэд"), take - took - taken, begin - began - begun, leave - left - left, know - knew - known, work - worked - worked, think - thaught - thaught, run - ran - run, bring - braught - braught.
Ex. 2
Fell, was, spent, sold, took, won, met, got, went.
Ex. 3
1. Drove. Он отвёз своего дедушку к доктору.
2. Wore. Джек надел странный красный галстук.
3. Blew. Маленький Грег задул 5 свечей на своем праздничном торте.
4. Held. Они провели оперный фестиваль в Августе.
5. Broke. Мы случайно сломали зонтик.
6. Lost. Моя дочь сбилась с пути в новом городе.
7. Made. Моя мама сделала ванильные блинчики утром.
8. Wrote. Мэри написала длинную заметку в своем дневнике.
9. Caught. Наш кот словил трёх мышей в нашем саду.
10. Went. Я ходил в школу балета в детстве.
Ex. 4
Brought (ошибка во второй форме).
Give (ошибка в начальной форме).
Ran (ошибка во второй форме).
Think (тут всё правильно).
Make (формы правильные, неправильный перевод. Верный перевод - делать).
Ate (ошибка во второй форме).
Надеюсь, что я успел :)