а) — Where were you yesterday? — I was in the park. — Где ты был вчера? — Я был в парке.
е) — Did you watch TV last night? — Yes, there was a really good film on. — Ты смотрел телевизор вчера вечером? — Да, показывали очень интересный фильм.
b) — Did you play tennis last week? — No, actually we played basketball. — Ты играл в теннис на неделе? — Нет, на самом деле мы играли в баскетбол.
с) — Did you talk to Sue today? — Yes, we talked on the phone. — Ты сегодня говорил со Сью? — Да, мы говорили по телефону.
f) — Did Garry paint the kitchen? — No, he painted the living room. — Гарри покрасил кухню? — Нет, он покрасил гостиную.
d) — Did you dance with Paul at the party? — No, I danced with Peter. — Ты танцевала с Полом на вечеринке? — Нет, я танцевала с Питером.
To fetch means to go to another place where something is and bring it back to the current location. Bring is used to talk about movement to the place where the speaker is at the moment of speaking. Deliver means to take letters,things or parcels to smb's house or places of work.
Arrive means to reach a place| destination. Get means to go and bring back something. Reach means to arrive at a place after a long time.
Foreign means to be connected to a country that is not yours. Strange means unusual or complicated to understand. Curious means interested in smth.
а) — Where were you yesterday? — I was in the park. — Где ты был вчера? — Я был в парке.
е) — Did you watch TV last night? — Yes, there was a really good film on. — Ты смотрел телевизор вчера вечером? — Да, показывали очень интересный фильм.
b) — Did you play tennis last week? — No, actually we played basketball. — Ты играл в теннис на неделе? — Нет, на самом деле мы играли в баскетбол.
с) — Did you talk to Sue today? — Yes, we talked on the phone. — Ты сегодня говорил со Сью? — Да, мы говорили по телефону.
f) — Did Garry paint the kitchen? — No, he painted the living room. — Гарри покрасил кухню? — Нет, он покрасил гостиную.
d) — Did you dance with Paul at the party? — No, I danced with Peter. — Ты танцевала с Полом на вечеринке? — Нет, я танцевала с Питером.