моя жена обычно работает дома, но этот месяц она проводит в италии. том обычно ездит на работу на велосипеде. когда сегодня начинаются занятия? что делает твой брат? он разгадывает кроссворд в газете. он делает это каждый день. боюсь, я проиграю эту партию в шахматы. я плохо играю. обычно я играю намного лучше . что она делает? - она чинит носки своему мужу. она всегда их чинит. да, можешь взять мой словарь. я часто им пользуюсь, но сейчас не пользуюсь. мы не часто садимся на поезд. она особенно щедра на этой неделе. прямо сейчас идет снег. вот здорово! мне нравится такая погода.
вроде так если что то я сама немного только шарю.
1. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass the exams well.
2. He said that Leo Tolstoy was his favourite writer.
3. I knew you lived in Moscow, but I did not know your address.
4. He said he would give up smoking.
5. Everyone knew that she was going to Rome.
6. Sorry, we didn't think you were waiting for us.
7. I didn't know that you also loved football.
8. I was sure that he would be an outstanding artist.
9. I was afraid you would not follow my advice.
10.I thought he'd wait for me.
11. I didn't know that you'd be working in the reading hall.
12. He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to make a report.
13. He told us when he entered the room, his friend had already sat on the sofa. He was reading a newspaper.
14. We hoped that she would come soon.
15. He said he didn’t know when the conference started.
16. I was sure that if we hurried, we would not miss the train.
17. He asked me what I'd be doing tonight. I replied that I didn't know if I’d be free tonight, but if I was free, I'd call him at eight o'clock.