with the prepositions. across into out of past round through to towards under along (x2) Last day at school for boy with dirty shoes! CHOOL Last Wednesday started Mondeo and started the car. as normal for 15-year-old Then he drove 5 the Michael Brewster at Hove road 6 the bridge, Park School the security guard At 10.30 am, Michael's dass and 8 the school were jogging 'round the gates . Then he turned left and gym. But when Charles Duff , the drove 9 the road for sports teacher, told Michael to about 100 metres 10 dean his dirty trainers, he got the maths teacher's house. really angry. He ran 2 That was when he lost control. the gym, and back to the He tried to stop, went changing rooms where he found the field and Mr Duff's keys . From there, he crashed into a tree. Michael the car park has now left Hove Park Mr Duff's Ford School went 3 got 4
Это был прекрасный весенний день. Маленькая птичка сидела на дереве и пела песню. Большой серый кот увидел птицу. Он хотел ее съесть. По этому, он подошел к дереву и сказал. “Доброе утро, дорогая! Спустись с дерева! Иди сюда! Я хочу кое-что тебе сказать". “Говори, что хочешь. Мы поиграем”, - сказала птица. “Ты знаешь, что все звери и птицы теперь хорошие друзья? Ты мне очень нравишься. Спускайся вниз. Мы поиграем”, - сказал кот. “Нет ответила умная птица. “Мне нравится здесь, высоко на дереве. Отсюда я вижу зеленые поля и леса, красивые озера и реки. Сейчас я вижу много собак. Они бегут куда то. ” “Ну, тогда пока. Мне нужно идти. ” “Почему?” - спросила маленькая птичка. Не знаешь, все ли животные сейчас хорошие друзья?
In general, travelling is the best way to relax. It is a good opportunity to study the history and culture of a new country or a city. Besides this aspect, you can communicate with people. The travelling abroad can broaden your mind and outlook, so you can get a lot of positive emotions. Personally for me, it is better to travel to another country and to be far away from home, because I like so much the feeling of returning home. I want to advise people to travel because it creates the best memories.
2) out of
3) to
4) into
5) along
6) under
7) past
8) through
9) along
10) towards
11) across