My Ideal School would be outside the city near a forest or a river, because the noise of traffic could disturb students at the lessons. When you enter the school yard you can see poplar trees and beautiful flowers. Children will be able to relax during the break, breath of fresh air. To the right of the school building will be a big playground. The school will be has a large room for lessons in various sections, such as dance, aerobics, gymnastics and much more. There will also be a swimming pool and various trails for cyclists and athletes.
Устойчивое выражение have (has) ON - обозначает, что что-то на ком-то НАДЕТО,можно вместо has on везде написать is wearing (одет в настоящий момент)
1) Steve has a shirt with a tie, a coat and jeans on.
Bill has a shirt with a tie and jeans on. (можно добавить too - тоже)
2) John has a shirt and jeans on.
Ann has a dress on. (sarafan-это чисто русский вид платья, поэтому в англ языке такого слова нет, пишешь или платье (dress) или сарафан, но англ буквами) .
Stert has a shirt and jeans on.
Mary has a shirt and knee-breeches on.
вроде у тебя и так 4, так как оценка 4 начинается с 3,50 ( у нас в школе точно так )