переведи:Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.» Aldous Huxley
Каждый человек, умеющий читать, в его силах превозносить себя, приумножать своего существования, делать свою жизнь полной, значимой и интересной ». Олдос Хаксли
Каждый человек, умеющий читать, в его силах превозносить себя, приумножать своего существования, делать свою жизнь полной, значимой и интересной ». Олдос Хаксли.
A playwright and a poet, a humanist and a Renaissance man - William Shakespeare is considered to be a great English-speaking writer, the national poet of England and one of the best playwrights in the world. His plays have been translated into all major languages and are performed more frequently than works of other authors. And studios shoot pictures to the works of Shakespeare, which are as relevant today as in the times of the author. William Shakespeare was born in April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon (England), in an artisan family. His father was a glove-maker, respected in the city. Once, he was even elected mayor. William went to a grammar school, which was regarded as one of the best; the main subjects there were English, Latin and Greek. At the age of 18, Shakespeare married the daughter of a neighbor landowner. His wife was older than him by 8 years. The family had three children. During his creative life of a great playwright he wrote 17 comedies, 11 tragedies, 5 poems, 150 sonnets and 10 chronicals. Even now, debates continue whether Shakespeare was the author of all these and some other works. Soon, for some unknown reason Shakespeare retires and returns home from London, where he spends his last years of life with the family. There are suggestions that he was ill at that time: his will, dated March 15, 1616, was written very illegibly. The great playwright William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 in his native city of Stratford-upon-Avon. In accordance with his will, his body was buried under the altar of a church in Stratford.
1) We went to Japan in a boat. 2) You write with a pencil or pen? 3) You go to school John? 4) We learn a poem about the heart. 5) We usually eat soup with a spoon. 6) I usually go to school by bus, but my girlfriend goes to school on foot.7) Write words on the Board. 8) Go to the blackboard. 9) What you cook for dinner? 10) They usually go to bed at ten o'clock. 11) Well, of course, some people don't like fish. 12) John is always a hurry. 13) They get letters of Ted's weekly. 14) There are beautiful flowers in the garden. 15) After class we go for a walk.
Каждый человек, умеющий читать, в его силах превозносить себя, приумножать своего существования, делать свою жизнь полной, значимой и интересной ». Олдос Хаксли