Eaking Imagine you are a roadie, a producer or a video director. What do you do? Talk to your friend. там написано ( представьте что вы режжисер или видео деректор, чем вы занимаетесь? Расскажите другу если можете то с переводом рядом
To start with that I can't imagine my life without a computer. Everybody knows that using computers and the internet develops important skills in young people.On the one hand, teens can visit different countries and cities online. They meet new people and communicate with their peers from different countries. Besides, they learn a lot about the life of people from other countries. Of course, young people find a lot of useful information in the Internet. On the other hand, technology has created less free time rather than more. Teenagers spend much time chatting and living in virtual world. They have no time for real communication with their peers. In addition, I would like to say that leisure activities have become too expensive. Nowadays, only a few parents can let their children have fun in the real world. Tickets to the theater and cinema are too expensive, and almost every youth disco is high paid. In conclusion, I believe that children need more play time in order to develop into healthy adults. They should spend much more time in the fresh air. Adolescents should keen on sport: swimming, athletics and others. Computer games are not useful for their health.
1. I like my cofee with a little milk and sugar. 2.The meal costs a few euros. 3. You look fit! do you exercise much. 4. There is only a little gouache in the bottle. You can`t draw any pictures. 5. Don`t talk too much at the lesson. 6. We know the material well and ask the teacher only a few questions. 7. There are few nuts in the bowl, put some more, please. 8. I don`t like sweet tea, so I put only a little sugar in my tea. 9. They have much money. -Are you sure they are poor? 10. In our country we don`t eat much seafood.
On the other hand, technology has created less free time rather than more. Teenagers spend much time chatting and living in virtual world. They have no time for real communication with their peers.
In addition, I would like to say that leisure activities have become too expensive. Nowadays, only a few parents can let their children have fun in the real world. Tickets to the theater and cinema are too expensive, and almost every youth disco is high paid.
In conclusion, I believe that children need more play time in order to develop into healthy adults. They should spend much more time in the fresh air. Adolescents should keen on sport: swimming, athletics and others. Computer games are not useful for their health.