How are you? What are you doing? I'm cooking dinner now.
All the family are busy. My father is in his parlor. He is working. My mother is cleaning our house. My little sister and brother are playing table tennis.
Robert’s father and elder brother work on an oil rig. They get up at the same time every day and do the same work every day. Sometimes Robert’s father feels sad because he doesn’t see his family for weeks. He often sends e-mails to his family. He likes watching films. He goes to the small cinema on the oil rig and watches a film. He doesn’t like watching movies on television. Robert’s brother’s name is Dave. He has his own small room on the oil rig. There is a table and a chair on the right of the door and there is a bed along the wall. Dave likes listening to music. He has got an MP3 player and lots of CDs. He often goes to the gym and does some exercises. Dave enjoys texting friends on his mobile phone.
Лето – потрясающая пора. Я с большим нетерпением ожидала каникул, и вот наконец они настали.
В первую неделю каникул я вместе с ребятами из художественной школы ходила на пленер. Мы там изображали цветы, деревья, траву, и много чего еще. После пленера я несколько раз ездила в деревню. Мы ездили туда всей семьей, чтобы оказать бабушке с дедушкой. Иногда я оставалась в деревне ночевать. А когда возвращалась домой, то навещала подружек и ходила с ними гулять.
А потом началась знойная пляжная пора. Мы с сестрой почти ежедневно ездили на пляж, где купались и загорали.
Увы... Лето промчалось очень быстро! И уже снова пора в школу.
Hi, (имя друга или подруги на англ)!
How are you? What are you doing? I'm cooking dinner now.
All the family are busy. My father is in his parlor. He is working. My mother is cleaning our house. My little sister and brother are playing table tennis.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
(твое имя)