Dear Mum and Dad I am writing you a letter as you asked me to. I can't believe I am staying in Paris for three weeks. Everything is so amazing! People are so kind here, they help me a lot, as I don't know French. My host family is so friendly! This family isn't very big: mother, father and two adorable sisters - Marie and Lucie They were asked me a lot about Russia and our life style. Last week I saw The Eiffel Tower and I loved it! Oh my God, it is so beautiful. I took a lot of photos but they can't capture this beauty. Also I visited Louvre. You know, this was my dream to be here. I still can't believe I was in this magical place. Marie, Lucie and I are going to Notre Dame. I can't wait to see it! As you can see, I am very happy to be in France and I so thankful to you that you let me go there. Sending lots of love! Yours,...
Прочитайте и исправьте неправильные предложения Когда-то давно там жил король и королева. У них была дочь. Король и королева пригласили семь хороших фей в замок видеть свою маленькую принцессу. Они все бросают свои периоды по принцессе: "Принцесса будет уродлива и глупа. Она будет так же труслива как цветок... Тогда прибыл красивая темнокожая фея, которая бросила ее период: "Когда принцессе будет 16 лет, она повредит палец и умрет!" Но цветочная фея со своим периодом: "Принцесса будет только спать. Она будет спать в течение ста лет. Тогда уродливый принц приедет и поцелует ее. И они будут жить счастливо с тех пор". И после thes слова...
Its cloudy in Edinburg.
It's cold in Berlin.
It's hot in Athens.
It's rainy in London (like always)
It's windy in New York.
It's snowy/snowing in Nur-Sultan.