Your turn 7 Ask and answer in groups.
1 Would you like to play one of these
2 Are there any traditional instruments which are
special to your country?
3 What do you think are the positive things
about playing in a band or orchestra with
other people?
The roads are wide tracks which cut through the jungle. When they are laid, trees are rooted out and rocks are digged up. It is hard work, and all of it is done by the natives who are paid almost nominal wages for it.
Then the day came when the natives learned that larger sums are paid for such work in other places and they stopped the work. Now the wages are discussed in the village. The natives hold together and say they will not return to the work unless Walker agrees to accept their terms. The administrator only promises to give them a feast when the road is finished.
But when Walker found that no attempt was made to start work, he goes to the village and asks the men what silly game is played. The natives are calm and only say they will do it if he will give them a hundred pounds. Walker flies into a rage and says: «If you will not start in a week, take care». Then he turned round and walked away.
текст слишком длинный. мне стало лень