1 The development of anatomy was greatly affected by Darwin's theory of evolution.
2 The theory of the two signaling systems was offered by I.P. Pavlov.
3 The gases are transported to and from tissue cells by the blood.
4 The skeleton is made up of the bones.
5 Contraction in skeletal muscles are stimulated by electrical impulses.
6 The thoracic cavity is bounded by the ribs laterally.
7 The spinal column is supported by many strong ligaments and muscles of the trunk.
8 The work of the heart was influenced by many factors.
9 The outer wall of the heart is created by three layers.
10 The right and left sides of the heart are separated by a wall called septum.
How are you? Christmas is coming! How are you going to celebrate? I will celebrate it at home with family. We will make a lot of Christmas cakes and cookies. And have you made the menu?
Anyway, we will celebrate Christmas in school before holidays. In my class it is very difficult to organize celebrations. There is very little help from our teacher and my class is very disorganized. Also there will be a disco and a competition on Christmas in school.
Last year several girls and boys brought food and pizza! This year I think will do the same. But last year we did not have time to arrange contests. We went to the contest, and then we went to the disco.
It would be nice if you could come to us for Christmas! We will have fun with my class. This year we also participate in the competition, and we have the best idea! Be sure to come!
Well, I must finish. Waiting for an answer!
With love, (твоё имя)