5 Jenny watches a lot of television at the weekends. (on holiday)
6 He eats a lot in the evenings. (last night)
7 The programme starts at 7.30 every Friday. (this morning)
8 I love cycling at the weekends. (when I was a child)
9 We always have a nice time with them. (on holiday)
She[ши:] gives[МН.Ч.] me[ми:] home[хэум], a[э,(эй)] shelter[ʹшэлтэ] and[энд] light[лайт].
And[энд] we[ви:] are[а:] proud[прауд] of[ов] her[хё:] history[ʹхист(э)ри],
Full[фул] of[ов] struggles[МН.Ч.] and[энд] victories[МН.Ч.]. We[ви:] got[гот] this[зис] country[ʹкантри]from[фром] God[год] as[эз] a[э,(эй)] gift[гифт],
Not[нот] just[джаст] to[ту:] take[тэйк], but[бат] mostly[ʹмэустли] to[ту:] give[гив].
Our[ʹауэ] motherland[ʹмазэлэнд] takes[МН.Ч.] care[кэа] of[ов] you[ью:] and[энд] me[ми:],
And[энд] only[ʹэунли] here[хиэ] can[кэн] we[ви:] stay[стэй] forever[фэʹрэвэ] free[фри:].