trip- поездка
cousin- двоюродный брат
8 o'clock- 8 часов
classroom- школьный класс
classmates- одноклассники
because- потому что
Peter Baker is from Manchester, but Paul and John are from London. Manchester and London are cities in England. Hamburg isn't a city in England, it is a city in Germany. My good friend, Sandra, is from Germany. Sandra is at school today. Jack and Peter are her friends. They are in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker are on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She is a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather is in hospital. I am at home with my grandmother". What time is it? It is 8 O'clock. Are you tired? No, i am not.
Итак, как понять, что вставлять? это очень легко.
is у нас вставляется в том случае, когда число единственное- он(he), она(she), девочка(girl), мальчик(boy), и т.д.
Он спит. (He is sleeping).
Она кушает. (She is eating).
are вставляется в том случае, когда число у нас множественное- они(they), либо перечисляются несколько предметов или имен- Ручка и Карандаш(Pen and Pensil),Сара и Боб (Sarah and Bob), а также слово люди(people).
Ручка и карандаш лежат на столе. (Pen and pensil are lie on the table.
Сара и Боб гуляют. (Sarah and Bob are walking.)
Люди смотрят телевизор (People are watching TV.)
Ну и am вставляется в том случае когда ты говоришь про себя .
Например : Я люблю свою маму ( I am love my mother).
Надеюсь понятно)
Are you from London?
Are we late for school?
My parents aren't from Liverpool.
Is she a nice person?
Are the boys two brothers?
Is Paul ready for the party?
Charlie isn't in your classroom.
The kids are very clever.
They aren't classmates because they are brothers.
Надеюсь я )
1. I really have to tidy my bedroom.
2. Does Derek have to take the school bus?
3. Why did your cousin's have to go house yesterday?
4. Do you think we'll have to study hard next year?
5. It's our secret so you mustn't tell anyone.
6. Do you have to pay to get into the museum?
7. You mustn't forget to take out your keys before you go.
8. You don't have to tell me now you can tell me later.
9. If you came which us you wouldn't have to take the train.
10. My sister had to get up early last week morning.
1. doing.
2. I'm going to have.
3. will be.
4. are you going to invite
5. are going to organize.
6. are going to hold.
7. won't.
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