Sorry that I haven’t written you for so long but I was busy all this time.
I have a great news! My parents allowed me to go to Italy for two weeks! It was a great time. Let me tell you how I spent that amazing journey.
My sister and I stayed in a nice hotel in the centre of Rome. The room was convenient and there was a great view from the windows. Every day we enjoyed tasty cuisine, had fun at discos and swam in the large pool. During ten days we visited a lot of wonderful places such as Colosseum, Pantheon, Triton Fountain. You can’t even imagine how many photos I took! We really appreciated being there because of all the amazing sights and experiences we had.
I could write more but I really need to go. Hope we will meet soon.
Lots of love,
Потом напишешь кому и от кого.
1. Электрический ток - направленное движение частиц или квазичастиц - носителей электрического заряда.
2. Ток - i, а заряд - q * A = U * I * t.
3. Ампер
4. Амперметр
5. U =A / q, где U - напряжение, A – работа, совершенная током по перемещению заряда q на некий участок цепи.
6. Вольт
7. Вольтметр
8. Сопротивление проводника R выразится формулой: R = ρ * l S
9. ОМ
10. Закон Ома для участка цепи гласит: ток прямо пропорционален напряжению и обратно пропорционален сопротивлению. Если увеличить в несколько раз напряжение, действующее в электрической цепи, то ток в этой цепи увеличится во столько же раз.
1.Paper make from wood.
2.The fax machine use at the moment.