Она смотрит телевизор - She watches TV
She was watching TV all last night (Past Continuos + указательное слово)
She watched TV yesterday (Past Simple + указательное слово)
She watches TV every day (Present Simple + указательное слово)
She is watching TV now ( Present Continuos + указательное слово)
Они не катаются на велосипеде - They don't ride a bike
They were not ride a bike last night (Past Continuos + указательное слово)
They did not ride a bike yesterday (Past Simple + указательное слово)
They do not ride a bike every day (Present Simple + указательное слово)
They are not ride a bike now ( Present Continuos + указательное слово)
Present simple-he writes English tests
Past simple-He wrote English tests
Future simple-He will write English tests
Present continuous-He is writing English tests
Past Continuous-He was writing English tests
Future Continuous-He will be writing English tests
Present perfect-He has written English tests
Past perfect-He had written English tests
Future perfect-He will have written English tests
Present Perfect Continuous-He has been writing English tests
Past Perfect Continuous-He had been writing English tests
Future perfect continuous-He will have been writing English tests
1 didnʼt
2 were having
3 where
4 who
5 fit
6 whose
7 interested
8 boring, bored
9 back
10 for