1. What touching story! 2. Narrow streets of this city remind me Venice. 3. The queen of Great Britain reigns, but doesn't govern. 4. The most known crowns of the British monarchs can be seen in the Tower. 5. Who in your family is interested in policy? 6. How many parks in London and about London the royal family owns? 7. Queen Elizabeth II has some official residences in Great Britain, one of them is in Scotland. 8. A Hyde park, Ridzhents-park and St. James's park - royal parks of London. 9. Many places in London are closely connected with royal family.
1. Какой трогательный рассказ! - What a touching story.
2. Узкие улицы этого города напоминают мне Венецию. - The narrow streets of this town/city remind me of Venice.
3. Королева Великобритании царствует, но не правит. - The Queen of Great Britain reigns but does not rule.
4. Самые известные короны британских монархов можно увидеть в Тауэре. - The most well-known crowns of British monarchs can be seen in the Tower.
5. Кто в вашей семье интересуется политикой? - Who's interested in politics in your family?
6. Сколькими парками в Лондоне и около Лондона владеет королевская семья. - How many parks in London and around London are owned by the Royal Family.
7. У королевы Елизаветы 2 несколько официальных резеденций в Великобритании, одна из них находится в Шотландии. - Queen Elizabeth the second (или просто Elizabeth II) has got several official residences in Great Britain, one of them is in Scotland.
8. Гайд-парк, Риджентс-парк и парк св. Джеймса - королевские парки Лондона. - Hyde Park, Regent's Park and St James's Park are the Royal Parks of London.
9. Многие места в Лондоне тесно связаны с королевской семьей. - Many places in London are closely associated with the Royal Family.
1. actors; 2. conductor; 3. producers; 4. viewers; 5. projector.