Widely known for his contribution to the creation of devices that operate on alternating current, multiphase systems and the motor will make a so-called second phase of the industrial revolution. Also, it is known as a supporter of the existence of the ether: there are many of his experiences and experiments that had to show the existence of the ether as a special form of matter, amenable to the use of the technique.(этот абзац можешь удалить он второстепенный)
Employment Edison
Tesla with the "Theory of Natural Philosophy ..." Ruggero Boscovich against the RF coil of the transformer in the laboratory on Houston Street July 6, 1884 Tesla arrived in New York. He took a job in the company of Thomas Edison (Edison Machine Works) as an engineer for the repair of electric motors and DC generators. Edison is pretty cool to new ideas Tesla and more openly expressed his disapproval of the direction of personal research of the inventor. In the spring of 1885 Edison promised Tesla $ 50 thousand (at the time the amount is equivalent to approximately one million dollars today ) that if he makes it constructively to improve the electrical DC machine invented by Edison. [ Nicola actively took up the job and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison's machine, the new switch and controller, significantly improving performance. Endorsing all of the improvements in response to the issue of remuneration Edison Tesla refused, noting that the emigrant still poorly understand American humor. Outraged Tesla immediately resigned.
Ice cream - frozen sweet weight of milk products with different additives. ice cream - very ancient delicacy. it has been suggested that the history of ice cream has more than 4000 yearsthere are different varieties of ice cream, such as creme brulee or ice cream.there are many options for packaging ice cream - waffle, paper and plastic cups, ice lolly, waffle cones, rolls, briquettes,when selling ice cream in a cafe, it is often decorated with pieces of fruit and berries, chocolate, waffles, syrup is poured, sprinkled with chocolate or nut crumb. ice cream and milk shakes produced by adding a syrup and milk whisking the resulting mixture in a mixer. i very much love marozhenoe is my favorite treat.
Movements in volleyball machinery movements.before you implement a particular technique, volleyball player moves around the court. the main purpose of such movements - choice of techniques to perform. equipment includes movements starting racks and different ways of moving.starting rack. their mission - to purchase a maximum of readiness to move. this is possible if a player receives an unstable position where it is easy to start a movement. for making optimum flow needed a relatively small footprint and a slight bending of the knees. it allows you to perform a movement in the early push from the support leg, quickly withdraw bct body abroad support and quickly, without a lot of effort to start moving in any direction. there are three types of starting racks.stable stand - one leg (usually the strongest of opposite hand) pose in front of the other. bct player's body is projected between the legs in the middle of the area of support, legs bent at the knees, the torso is tilted a few, arms bent at the elbows and brought forward.the main stand - both legs at the same level, feet parallel at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. bct player's body is projected in the middle of the support body weight evenly distributed on both feet, knees bent. torso tilted forward some bent at the elbows handed front of the body (see. fig.)the main starting stand in volleyballunstable stand - both legs at the same level, similar to the main stand. player stands or on the toes or on the full foot; however, in the latter case the weight falls on the third stop both front legs. legs bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows and brought forward. adopt a definition of the rack, the player can either stand still in place, shifting from one foot to the other, or jumping on both feet - it activates the activity of muscular legs and helps to quickly start moving. these racks are called, respectively, static and dynamic.features start following pillars: in all cases, the beginning of the movement in any direction from the starting position of the rack is faster and more accurate than from the standard position; starting from a position of dynamic racks is faster than from a position of static racks; regardless of the type of racks speed in hand is determined by rank: forward, left - right-back; the best is the main stand (static, dynamic).in various game situations when the different techniques may be used all types of starting racks.movement. navigate the site is carried out by walking, jogging, jump.walking - the player moves prigibnym step. in contrast to the usual steps here brought forward leg slightly bent at the knee. this avoids the vertical oscillations bct body and quickly make assumptions to perform techniques. besides the usual steps can be used and adjacent skrestnye steps.running characterized launch acceleration, short distance move, abrupt changes in direction and stops. carry out its the same prigibnym step to keep the high speed of movement at a small distance of movement. last step running along the length should be the highest and ends with the imposition of the locking movement forward legs similar naprygivayuschemu step when attacking blow. this allows you to quickly make stops after moving or drastically change its direction.jump - a wide step with unsupported phase. as a rule, the jump is combined with a step or run. moving can end with a jump, allowing you to quickly complete it.
про НиколуТеслу рассказ
Nikola Tesla
Widely known for his contribution to the creation of devices that operate on alternating current, multiphase systems and the motor will make a so-called second phase of the industrial revolution.
Also, it is known as a supporter of the existence of the ether: there are many of his experiences and experiments that had to show the existence of the ether as a special form of matter, amenable to the use of the technique.(этот абзац можешь удалить он второстепенный)
Employment Edison
Tesla with the "Theory of Natural Philosophy ..." Ruggero Boscovich against the RF coil of the transformer in the laboratory on Houston Street
July 6, 1884 Tesla arrived in New York. He took a job in the company of Thomas Edison (Edison Machine Works) as an engineer for the repair of electric motors and DC generators.
Edison is pretty cool to new ideas Tesla and more openly expressed his disapproval of the direction of personal research of the inventor. In the spring of 1885 Edison promised Tesla $ 50 thousand (at the time the amount is equivalent to approximately one million dollars today ) that if he makes it constructively to improve the electrical DC machine invented by Edison. [ Nicola actively took up the job and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison's machine, the new switch and controller, significantly improving performance. Endorsing all of the improvements in response to the issue of remuneration Edison Tesla refused, noting that the emigrant still poorly understand American humor. Outraged Tesla immediately resigned.