Мой день начинается с самого утра. Я встаю в девять часов утра. В час я иду в школу. Остальные шесть часов дня я провожу в школе. После школы в пол девятого я ужинаю. Через час после ужина я делаю домашние задание. В восемь часов днвечера я иду гулять с собачкой. А в десять часа вечера я ложусь спатьMoy den' nachinayetsya s samogo utra. YA vstayu v devyat' chasov utra. V chas ya idu v shkolu. Ostal'nyye shest' chasov dnya ya provozhu v shkole. Posle shkoly v pol devyatogo ya uzhinayu. Cherez chas posle uzhina ya delayu domashniye zadaniye. V vosem' chasov dnvechera ya idu gulyat' s sobachkoy. A v desyat' chasa vechera ya lozhus' spat'
Hello Dima how are you.How you spend you holiday.I spend my holiday very. Good.I go to the countryside to visit my grandmother.And she coock for me a lot of food.Ooo the food was so tasty.Then I went with the family to Spain.At the it was so exicted.I play so many games and visit the beach our beach was near our hotel.And it was easy to go at the beach.The when my trip in spain was ended i visit Azerbaycan the Azerbaycan is intesting place i visit Old town Girltower,I see flame tower go to the shopping malls and so on.OK its all please tell about your adventure.
Книга - book
Чтение - reading