215 Look at the photo and listen to an interview with Ken Ford. Choose the correct answer. Ken Ford is going to study ... a penguins in the Antarctic in the summer. b polar bears at the South Pole in November cice in the Antarctic in the summer.
Имя James взял рандомно, можешь любое поставить. 1) James said that he was thinking of going to Canada. 2) James said that his father was in the hospital. 3) James said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month. 4) James said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while. 5) James said that he had been playing tennis a lot recently. 6) James said that Margaret had a baby. 7) James said that he didn't know what Fred was doing. 8) James said that he hardly ever go out these days. 9) James said that he worked 14 hours a day. 10) James said that he would tell Jim he saw (или had seen) me. 11) James said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London. 12) James said that Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured. 13) James said that he had seen Jack at party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
Лето – потрясающая пора. Я с большим нетерпением ожидала каникул, и вот наконец они настали.
В первую неделю каникул я вместе с ребятами из художественной школы ходила на пленер. Мы там изображали цветы, деревья, траву, и много чего еще. После пленера я несколько раз ездила в деревню. Мы ездили туда всей семьей, чтобы оказать бабушке с дедушкой. Иногда я оставалась в деревне ночевать. А когда возвращалась домой, то навещала подружек и ходила с ними гулять.
А потом началась знойная пляжная пора. Мы с сестрой почти ежедневно ездили на пляж, где купались и загорали.
Увы... Лето промчалось очень быстро! И уже снова пора в школу.
c. Ice in the Antarctic in the summer