I really love spending time with my family. Unfortunately, this does not happen as often as we would like, but in the evenings we try to come together. This is an amazing time. I wait for these minutes all day long. When the lessons are learned the next day, we gather in the living room at a round table, share news, impressions for the day.
Я очень люблю проводить время со своей семьей. К сожалению, это получается не так часто, как хотелось бы, но по вечерам мы стараемся собраться все вместе. Это удивительное время. Этих минут я жду в течение всего дня. Когда уроки на следующий день выучены, мы собираемся в гостиной за круглым столом, делимся новостями, впечатлениями за день.
-Mom, I've decided to go to a football team!
- I don't think so! Have you seen your grades? If you don't think you'll become a world football star, you better get on doing your Math homework.
-But Mom, I've already done that!
-Then do your English homework! You have more bad grades than any child should. Don't you ever think about your future?
-Mommy, the phone is ringging.
-oh, i'll get that! Hallo. Yeas, Hy Dolly.
-Mom, I will do my homework now.
-Honey, do not talk, i am on a phone.
- Ok, i just want you to know.
-Thats great honey. Sorry Dolly... yeas... and what did he say...
-Oh, yea... after homework i will join the football team.
-Great dear, i support you totally. Sorry again Dolly. So ehat did you answer? no way
-Gossip... it can maje you agree on everything... Thank you mom
-Any time! Yeas Dolly, I'm here...
1 I have been in Russia.
2 You have been in Germany.
3 We have been in China.
4 They have been in Italy.
5 He has been in India.
6 She has been in Spain.
7 Have you ever been in Moscow?
8 I haven't been in Turkey.
9 You haven't been in Greece.
10 He hasn't been in America.
Тема: Present Perfect tense-Настоящее завершенное(совершенное) время.