1)Put the boxes on the shelves.
2)I have hurt my feet.
3)These are the English dictionaries
4)Where are the knifes?
5)This factory had the good laboratories.
6)The last leaves fell from the trees.
7)These stories are very long.
8)The speeches were very interesting.
9)He left the keys on the tables.
10)Where are the brushes?
11)I like his new plays.
12)The roofs of the houses were covered with snow.
13)The wifes of the sailors came to the shores.
14)The copies of the contracts were sent to leningrad.
15)The mouse were caught.
2. I always drink tea in the morning. – Я завжди пью чай вранці.
3. He always forgets his keys. – Він завжди забуває свої ключі.
4. I usually wait for you to call. - Я зазвичай чекаю твого дзівінка.
5. Do you usually speak to him like that? – Ви зазвичай говорите з ним так?
6. We usually start work at 8 o’clock. – Зазвичай ми починаємо роботу о восьмій.
7. She sometimes goes out on Friday night. – Іноді вона виходить гуляти у п’ятницю ввечері.
8.I sometimes go to the cinema. – Я іноді хожу у кіно.
9.She never plays football. – Вона ніколи не грає у футбол.
10.He never drinks beer. – Він ніколи не п’є пиво.
1. She is swimming now. – Вона зараз плаває.
2. He is listening to music now. – Він слухає музику зараз.
3. Julie is sleeping at the moment. – Джулі спить на данний момент.
4. I am working at the moment. – Я працюю в данний момент.
5. What are you doing today? - Що ті робиш сьогодні ?