ответ: "Protect our planet" 7 - Put the paragraphs into the correct order.
1 - Nowadays, deforestation caused by human activity is resulting in serious problems for the environment. So some species of animal and plants disappear.
2 - Firstly, a large number of animals and plant species that dying out due to deforestation. People are destroying their natural habitats.
3 - Secondly, this problem could be one of the reasons for global warming. That can influence people’s life, flora, and fauna. A good illustration of this is some disposing of nuclear waste that can cause air and water pollution.
4 - To sum up, it seems to me that most of the species may disappear if we continue careless activities.
i usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. i don't often have an opportunity to have a dinner when i'm at school. my meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea.
some of my friends have a snack rather than a meal in the morning. but my breakfast is a full meal and i have it at 7 o'clock. it is usually bacon and eggs. afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam. then i drink tea or coffee.
i have lunch at about 12 o'clock. it starts with fruit juice. then i have a vegetable salad and sandwiches again or pies with tea.
dinner is at three or four o'clock. for dinner i have soup or borsch for starter, and meat or fish with a lot of vegetables for main course. for dessert i often have stewed fruit or jelly.
and at last supper. it is at seven or eight. my mother usually cooks fried fish and mashed potatoes, beefsteak and omelette. and salads, of course. then i prefer a glass of warm milk with biscuits. sometimes before going to bed i drink orange juice or eat an apple.
как правило, я кушаю два или три раза в день по будням и четыре раза по выходным. я не часто имею возможность пообедать, когда я в школе. мои приёмы пищи таковы: завтрак, ланч, обед и ужин или чай.
утром многие из моих друзей перекусывают, а не едят полноценно. но мой завтрак- полценный приём пищи. я завтракаю в 7 часов. как правило, это бекон и яйца. затем бутерброды с маслом и сыром или колбасой, а иногда и вареньем. потом я пью чай или кофе.
ланч у меня около 12 часов. он начинается фруктовым соком. затем я ем овощной салат и бутерброды или пироги с чаем.
обед в три или четыре часа. на обед у меня суп или борщ для начала, и мясо или рыба с большим количеством овощей в качестве основного блюда. на десерт я часто пью компот или кисель.
и, наконец, ужин в семь или восемь. моя мама обычно готовит жареную рыбу и картофельное пюре, бифштекс или омлет. и салаты, конечно. затем я предпочитаю стакан теплого молока с печеньем. иногда перед сном я пью апельсиновый сок или ем яблоко.
(если тупо всё спишешь не сделаешь ошибки, учительница засчитает как за списывание, написано грамотно).
The striped tenrek (lat. Hemicentetes semispinosus) is a representative of a very interesting family, called tenrek or bristly hedgehogs. To understand what this funny animal looks like, you need to put together ... a hedgehog, a shrew and an otter and paint what turned out with yellow and black paint.
It is not difficult to guess that the final portrait will be somewhat unusual: an elongated muzzle with a yellow stripe along the nose, a crown of long sharp needles and many spines scattered throughout the body mixed with thick black hair, long hind legs and short front legs with sharp claws. The exterior is really piquant, but this is exactly what a striped tenrek looks like - a small mammal, endemic to Madagascar, living in the eastern and northern parts of the island.
Striped tenreki - the main object of hunting of famous Madagascar predators, such as Foss and their close relatives of the Mongoose. To protect themselves from attacks on their lives, small tenreks invented an ingenious way of throwing needles at the enemy. Caught in a dangerous situation, they bring their long, jagged needles into combat readiness, directing them towards the predator, and then with sharp movements of the head and torso “shoot” them directly into the nose and paws of the enemy. Of these flying needles is the entire crown on the head of the tenrek, and another part of them is located on the sides of the body.
However, these are not all the functions that an unusual, prickly fur coat of a bristly hedgehog performs. The striped tenrek is the only mammal that has mastered the ability to communicate in the way that beetles, crickets and snakes do.
Wide beige needles that run along the central part of the back, when rubbing against each other, emit high sounds, thanks to which striped tenreks exchange information with their congeners.
Seemingly silent from the outside, the tenreks are in constant communication: in their language, they send sound signals to help them navigate the dark forest. It is on hearing that they rely more than on sight, but the sounds they emit, as in the case of bats, are inaccessible to the human ear.
Communication in the life of striped tenreks plays a very important role, since they are the only ones out of thirty types of tenreks that are combined into groups. Each of these groups, in which there may be up to twenty individuals, occupies a long, about one and a half meters, hole dug at a depth of 15 centimeters near the water body. Striped tenrecs are covered with leaves in their home, and near the hole, these neat little animals necessarily erect what people call a lavatory or latrine.
When the cold season comes, and in Africa it falls on May-October, striped tenrecs lower their body temperature to the level of the surrounding temperature, while remaining active. This trick helps them save energy, but if winter is too harsh, they have nothing left but to hibernate.
From September to December, striped tenreki mate, and after about two months, 6-8 babies are born, who very quickly grow up and are already five weeks old, ready to become parents themselves.
every person has his own idea of a perfect house.
i usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. i don't often have an opportunity to have a dinner when i'm at school. my meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea.
some of my friends have a snack rather than a meal in the morning. but my breakfast is a full meal and i have it at 7 o'clock. it is usually bacon and eggs. afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam. then i drink tea or coffee.
i have lunch at about 12 o'clock. it starts with fruit juice. then i have a vegetable salad and sandwiches again or pies with tea.
dinner is at three or four o'clock. for dinner i have soup or borsch for starter, and meat or fish with a lot of vegetables for main course. for dessert i often have stewed fruit or jelly.
and at last supper. it is at seven or eight. my mother usually cooks fried fish and mashed potatoes, beefsteak and omelette. and salads, of course. then i prefer a glass of warm milk with biscuits. sometimes before going to bed i drink orange juice or eat an apple.
как правило, я кушаю два или три раза в день по будням и четыре раза по выходным. я не часто имею возможность пообедать, когда я в школе. мои приёмы пищи таковы: завтрак, ланч, обед и ужин или чай.
утром многие из моих друзей перекусывают, а не едят полноценно. но мой завтрак- полценный приём пищи. я завтракаю в 7 часов. как правило, это бекон и яйца. затем бутерброды с маслом и сыром или колбасой, а иногда и вареньем. потом я пью чай или кофе.
ланч у меня около 12 часов. он начинается фруктовым соком. затем я ем овощной салат и бутерброды или пироги с чаем.
обед в три или четыре часа. на обед у меня суп или борщ для начала, и мясо или рыба с большим количеством овощей в качестве основного блюда. на десерт я часто пью компот или кисель.
и, наконец, ужин в семь или восемь. моя мама обычно готовит жареную рыбу и картофельное пюре, бифштекс или омлет. и салаты, конечно. затем я предпочитаю стакан теплого молока с печеньем. иногда перед сном я пью апельсиновый сок или ем яблоко.
(если тупо всё спишешь не сделаешь ошибки, учительница засчитает как за списывание, написано грамотно).